The Panamanian government has increased the government
tax for Panama Companies and Private Interest Foundations.
Effective May 9, 2012, all companies must pay US$300 at the moment of incorporation instead of the usual US$250; the annual government tax after the first year remains unchanged at US$300. The first annual tax for Panama Private Interest Foundations increases $100 to US$350 at the moment of incorporation and every year thereafter will increase to US$400 yearly.
All companies that do not pay its annual maintenance fee for two consecutive years will incur on a penalty of US$300.00 in addition to the current penalty of US$50 for each year of non-payment.
Non-profit associations, Unlimited Liability Companies and unregistered Trusts will continue to be exempt from the flat tax.
These changes do not affect our rates for Resident Agents and Independent Directors. We will continue to honor our current quotes for corporations and foundations without changes until June 30, 2012. We recommend that you email your contact person at our firm if you have incorporation requests pending for new entities and to verify that no taxes remain outstanding for existing entities. Other options can also be provided from Belize and other jurisdictions at competitive rates.
For further information regarding these changes please contact us for a free brochure with additional information;
Effective May 9, 2012, all companies must pay US$300 at the moment of incorporation instead of the usual US$250; the annual government tax after the first year remains unchanged at US$300. The first annual tax for Panama Private Interest Foundations increases $100 to US$350 at the moment of incorporation and every year thereafter will increase to US$400 yearly.
All companies that do not pay its annual maintenance fee for two consecutive years will incur on a penalty of US$300.00 in addition to the current penalty of US$50 for each year of non-payment.
Non-profit associations, Unlimited Liability Companies and unregistered Trusts will continue to be exempt from the flat tax.
These changes do not affect our rates for Resident Agents and Independent Directors. We will continue to honor our current quotes for corporations and foundations without changes until June 30, 2012. We recommend that you email your contact person at our firm if you have incorporation requests pending for new entities and to verify that no taxes remain outstanding for existing entities. Other options can also be provided from Belize and other jurisdictions at competitive rates.
For further information regarding these changes please contact us for a free brochure with additional information;
El Gobierno
de Panama ha incrementado el impuesto para las empresas panameñas y Fundaciones
de Interés Privado.
A partir del
9 de Mayo de 2012, todas las empresas deben pagar US$300 al momento de su
incorporación en lugar del valor acostumbrado de $250; el impuesto anual del
gobierno después del primer año permanece inalterado en US$300. El primer
impuesto anual para las Fundaciones de Interés Privado incrementa de US$100 a
US$350 al momento de su incorporación y cada año posterior, incrementara a
US$400 anuales.
Toda empresa
que no pague este cargo de mantenimiento anual por dos años consecutivos,
incurrirá en una penalidad de US$300, en adición a la pena corriente de US$50
por cada año que no se logre hacer efectivo el pago.
no registrados, asociaciones sin fines de lucro, y Sociedades Civiles
continuaran estando exentos del impuesto de tasa única.
presentes cambios no afectan nuestras tarifas para Agentes Residentes y
Directores Independientes. Continuaremos honrando las presentes cotizaciones
para sociedades y fundaciones sin cambios hasta Junio 30, 2012. Le recomendamos
enviar un correo electrónico a su contacto en nuestra firma si usted tiene
algún pedido de incorporación pendiente para nuevas entidades, así como para verificar
que no haya pagos pendientes de impuestos para entidades ya existentes. Otras
opciones también pueden ser brindadas de Belice y otras jurisdicciones con
tarifas competitivas.
Para mayor
información referente a estos cambios, favor contactarnos para
un brouchure con información adicional,