miércoles, 7 de agosto de 2013
jueves, 14 de marzo de 2013
Posición Del Colegio de Abogados de Panamá frente a la posibilidad de Inmobilizar las acciones al portador en nuestro país
El Colegio Nacional de Abogados de Panamá, como principal agrupación gremial de los profesionales del derecho y de conformidad con los principios legales y estatutarios que inspiran a este cuerpo gremial; con la finalidad y deber de contribuir a la orientación de los profesionales, autoridades y a la comunidad en general.
· Que en el mes de octubre de 2012 el Colegio Nacional de Abogados divulgó entre sus agremiados un borrador de dicho proyecto de ley, solicitando que realizaran cometarios al mismo.
· Que en el mes de noviembre de 2012 el Colegio Nacional de Abogados remitió una nota a todos los miembros de la Asociación de Abogados Internacionales de Panamá, preguntándoles por su posición con relación al referido proyecto de ley.
· Que en el mes de diciembre de 2012 el Colegio Nacional de Abogados envió un resumen al Gobierno Nacional con todos los comentarios vertidos por su membresía sobre el proyecto de ley divulgado en el mes de octubre de 2012.
· Que el 19 de febrero de 2013 el Gobierno Nacional presentó a la Asamblea Nacional el Proyecto de Ley No. 568 que adopta un régimen de custodia aplicable a las acciones al portador.
· Que el 22 de febrero de 2013 el Colegio Nacional de Abogados citó a sus miembros a una reunión para la discusión del Proyecto de Ley No. 568.
· Que a pesar de que el Proyecto de Ley No. 568 tomó en cuenta algunos de los comentarios realizados por el gremio de abogados representados por el Colegio Nacional de Abogados, es la opinión mayoritaria de este gremio que la aprobación del mismo supondría una segura pérdida de competitividad para el país, en una actividad de enorme importancia para nuestra economía que redunda en réditos directos al Tesoro Nacional, así como en ingresos directos e indirectos a diferentes actividades económicas como lo son las notarías, traductores, abogados y el propio sistema bancario, toda vez que existen en la actualidad competidores de Panamá en la industria de prestación de servicios internacionales quienes no han modificado su régimen societario y todavía permiten la emisión de acciones al portador sin ninguna restricción.
· Que en opinión del gremio, Panamá no debe modificar sus leyes internas como resultado de presiones externas propiciadas por terceros Estados que tienen como único objetivo velar por sus propios intereses, más no así por los intereses de Panamá.
· Que es la opinión mayoritaria del gremio de abogados, que la adopción del Proyecto de Ley No. 568 no solo afectará la prestación de servicios financieros internacionales de Panamá, sino que además afectará el régimen societario interno del país utilizado por miles de empresarios y ciudadanos panameños para organizar sus negocios y estructuras sucesorias, encareciendo las mismas y haciéndolas más gravosas, siendo ello totalmente innecesario, toda vez que Panamá cuenta en la actualidad con leyes que le exigen a los abogados y firmas de abogados que incorporan sociedades anónimas conocer a sus clientes, bajo estándares mucho más exigentes que aquellos de muchos de sus competidores, lo que garantiza que Panamá cumpla con los estándares internaciones de transparencia requeridos por los convenios internacionales suscritos con otros Estados.
· Que existen medidas paliativas y mucho menos onerosas que, sin trastocar el régimen interno societario panameño ni afectar la competitividad del país, pueden fortalecer aún más la normativa patria que vela porque Panamá mantenga altos estándares de transparencia para evitar que su plataforma de servicios internacionales sea indebidamente utilizada para fines ilícitos, como lo es la legalización de la práctica comercial ya adoptada por la mayoría de los bancos de la plaza de no abrir cuentas bancarias si el cuentahabiente es una persona jurídica con acciones al portador.
En consideración a lo anterior, la mayoría de la Junta Directiva del Colegio Nacional de Abogados de Panamá
PRIMERO: RECHAZAR el Proyecto de Ley No. 568 que adopta un régimen de custodia aplicable a las acciones al portador presentado por el Gobierno Nacional a la Asamblea Nacional el día 19 de febrero de 2013.
SEGUNDO: Solicitar respetuosamente al Gobierno Nacional que retire el referido Proyecto de Ley No. 568 y que en su lugar proponga una Ley que prohíba a los bancos del país la apertura de cuentas bancarias cuando el cuentahabiente es una persona jurídica que posee acciones al portador.
Dado en la ciudad de Panamá, a los 6 días del mes de marzo de 2013.
Panama Bar Position to the Immobilization of bearer shares in Panama
The National Bar Association of Panama, as the main grouping of the legal professionals and in accordance with legal and statutory principles that inspire this union body, with the purpose and duty to contribute to the guidance of professionals, authorities and community at large.
· That from July 2012 the Government invited the National Bar Association, along with a group of lawyers from private and public sectors of this country, to participate in the review of a bill that proposes adoption of a custody regime for shares issued to bearer.
· That in the month of October 2012, the National Bar Association reported among its members a draft of the bill, requesting that cometary undertake it.
· That in the month of November 2012 the National Bar Association sent a note to all members of the International Bar Association of Panama, asking for their position relative to said bill.
· That in the month of December 2012 the National Bar Association sent a summary to the national government with all the comments made by his membership on the bill reported in the month of October 2012.
· That the February 19, 2013 the Government submitted to the National Assembly Bill No. 568 which adopts a custodial regime applicable to bearer shares.
· That the February 22, 2013 the National Bar Association cited its members to a meeting for the discussion of Bill No. 568.
· That even though Bill No. 568 took into account some of the comments made by the lawyers guild represented by the National Bar Association, is the majority opinion of this guild that approval of same would be a certain loss competitiveness for the country, in an activity of enormous importance to our economy resulting in direct revenues to the National Treasury, as well as direct and indirect income to different economic activities such as notaries, translators, lawyers and the banking system itself, given that there are now competitors of Panama in the industry providing international who have not changed their corporate regime and still allow the issuance of bearer shares without restriction.
· That in the opinion of the guild, Panama should not modify its internal laws as a result of external pressures prompted by third States whose only objective look after their own interests, but not so for the interests of Panama.
· What is the majority opinion of the legal profession, that the adoption of Bill No. 568 will not only affect the provision of international financial services in Panama, but also affect the country's internal corporate system used by thousands of businesses and citizens Panamanians to organize your business and inheritance structures, more expensive and making them more onerous, it being totally unnecessary, since Panama has now has laws requiring lawyers and law firms that incorporate corporations know their customers under standards more stringent than those of many of its competitors, ensuring that Panama meets the admissions standards of transparency required by international agreements signed with other states.
· That there are palliative measures and much less expensive than, without disrupting the internal Panamanian corporate or affect the competitiveness of the country, can further strengthen the rules that oversees homeland Panama maintains high standards of transparency to avoid its international services platform is improperly used for illegal purposes, such as the legalization of commercial practice now adopted by most banks do not square up bank accounts if the account holder is a legal person with bearer shares.
In consideration of the above, the majority of the Board of the National Bar Association of Panama
FIRST: REJECT Bill No. 568 which adopts a custodial regime applicable to bearer shares submitted by the Government to the National Assembly on February 19, 2013. SECOND: respectfully ask the Government to withdraw the said Bill No. 568 and will instead propose a law that prohibits U.S. banks to open bank accounts where the account holder is a legal entity that owns bearer shares..
Given in the city of Panama, on the 6th day of March 2013.
The National Bar Association of Panama, as the main grouping of the legal professionals and in accordance with legal and statutory principles that inspire this union body, with the purpose and duty to contribute to the guidance of professionals, authorities and community at large.
· That from July 2012 the Government invited the National Bar Association, along with a group of lawyers from private and public sectors of this country, to participate in the review of a bill that proposes adoption of a custody regime for shares issued to bearer.
· That in the month of October 2012, the National Bar Association reported among its members a draft of the bill, requesting that cometary undertake it.
· That in the month of November 2012 the National Bar Association sent a note to all members of the International Bar Association of Panama, asking for their position relative to said bill.
· That in the month of December 2012 the National Bar Association sent a summary to the national government with all the comments made by his membership on the bill reported in the month of October 2012.
· That the February 19, 2013 the Government submitted to the National Assembly Bill No. 568 which adopts a custodial regime applicable to bearer shares.
· That the February 22, 2013 the National Bar Association cited its members to a meeting for the discussion of Bill No. 568.
· That even though Bill No. 568 took into account some of the comments made by the lawyers guild represented by the National Bar Association, is the majority opinion of this guild that approval of same would be a certain loss competitiveness for the country, in an activity of enormous importance to our economy resulting in direct revenues to the National Treasury, as well as direct and indirect income to different economic activities such as notaries, translators, lawyers and the banking system itself, given that there are now competitors of Panama in the industry providing international who have not changed their corporate regime and still allow the issuance of bearer shares without restriction.
· That in the opinion of the guild, Panama should not modify its internal laws as a result of external pressures prompted by third States whose only objective look after their own interests, but not so for the interests of Panama.
· What is the majority opinion of the legal profession, that the adoption of Bill No. 568 will not only affect the provision of international financial services in Panama, but also affect the country's internal corporate system used by thousands of businesses and citizens Panamanians to organize your business and inheritance structures, more expensive and making them more onerous, it being totally unnecessary, since Panama has now has laws requiring lawyers and law firms that incorporate corporations know their customers under standards more stringent than those of many of its competitors, ensuring that Panama meets the admissions standards of transparency required by international agreements signed with other states.
· That there are palliative measures and much less expensive than, without disrupting the internal Panamanian corporate or affect the competitiveness of the country, can further strengthen the rules that oversees homeland Panama maintains high standards of transparency to avoid its international services platform is improperly used for illegal purposes, such as the legalization of commercial practice now adopted by most banks do not square up bank accounts if the account holder is a legal person with bearer shares.
In consideration of the above, the majority of the Board of the National Bar Association of Panama
FIRST: REJECT Bill No. 568 which adopts a custodial regime applicable to bearer shares submitted by the Government to the National Assembly on February 19, 2013. SECOND: respectfully ask the Government to withdraw the said Bill No. 568 and will instead propose a law that prohibits U.S. banks to open bank accounts where the account holder is a legal entity that owns bearer shares..
Given in the city of Panama, on the 6th day of March 2013.
viernes, 11 de enero de 2013
International Business Opportunities
International remittance company for saleAn
electronic payment company and an expert in secure, real-time
electronic transactions, the company has a license from the Ministry of
Commerce of Panama to handle large numbers of small remittances in
Panama and internationally, as well as bank accounts approved at Panama
banks. Money sent home by migrants in remittances - of US$300 million
yearly - constitutes the second largest financial inflow to many
developing countries, exceeding international aid. The company also
provides stored value card and credit card solutions to businesses,
government, consumers and financial institutions with security,
efficiency, and competitiveness, while reducing their costs.
Assets include US$50,000 in Panama bank required by law to maintain the remittance license.
Investment requirement: US$200,000
More information about remittances in
Assets include US$50,000 in Panama bank required by law to maintain the remittance license.
Investment requirement: US$200,000
More information about remittances in
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